A community gift drive headed up by Colleen Hatfield and Mildred Lykens brings smiles to many faces in Lyle!
Working together to solve problems, reduce poverty, and increase prosperity in our community.
November 13 & 14 (Friday & Saturday) Lyle Ladies Holiday Bazaar & OLESS Taco Bar at the Lyle Activity Center (Old Lyle Elementary School), both days 9:00 AM – 4:00 OM. Don’t miss it! Taco Bar will feature both meat and vegetarian options. There will be several raffles, including for a beautiful, locally-made quilt. November 13 & 14 (Friday & Saturday) Pretenders live dinner theatre presents Happy Anniversary Angel 7:00 PM at the Lyle Grange. $25 includes lasagna dinner by Beneventis. Tickets available at Country Café, Beneventi’s and Klindts bookstore. Visit their web site: http://www.pretenderstheatrecompany.org November 15 (Sunday) Habitat for Humanity Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser at 4:00 – 7:00 PM at the Lion's Community Center. $5.00 or $4.00 for children and seniors. November 17 (Tuesday) OLESS Fundraising Committee Meeting at 6:30 – 8:00 PM at the Lyle Activity Center (Old Lyle Elementary School). We will be planning a May 1 “Tour de Fleur” wildflower hiking/biking/community event. Contact Lisa Conway at lisaconway@gorge.net or 365-6828 if would like to be a part of this project but cannot attend the meeting. November 20 & 21st (Monday) Lyle Middle School and High School Drama Presents ... “Trouble at the Talent Show” at 7:00 PM at the Dallesport Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room An Audience Participation Murder Mystery Dinner Theater. $5 with proceeds, including donations, to the Lyle High School Senior Class of 201. Tickets available at Lyle High School or the Dallesport Elementary School. Dinner: Lasagna w/soup, salad, bread. November 23 (Monday) Lyle Community Council Meeting at 7:00 PM at the Lion's Community Center. Full agenda will be posted at the Post Office prior to the meeting. Elections will be held at this meeting. November 26-29 (Thursday – Sunday) Lyle Wineries Food Drive! Donate a non-perishable food item when you visit & the tasting fee will be waived at these wineries on Thanksgiving weekend: COR Cellars, Domaine Pouillon, Jacob Williams, Memaloose & Syncline. All food items will be donated to the Washington Gorge Action Program in Bingen, WA to help those most in need in our community this holiday season. November 30 (Monday) OLESS (Old Lyle Elementary School Supporters) Meeting at 7:00 PM at the Lyle Activity Center (Old Lyle Elementary School). Please join us! There is much to be done. Minutes from last meeting are available at: http://lyleschoolbuilding.blogspot.com/ December 2 (Friday) Game Night 7:00 – 10:00 PM at the Lyle Activity Center (Old Lyle Elementary School). A chance for community members of all ages to hang out and have a good time Food and beverages will be available for purchase. Stay tuned for details! December 3 (Saturday) Lion’s Club Breakfast from 7:00 AM – 10:00 AM at the Lion's Community Center. $5.00 or $2.00 for children 6-12 and free for children under 6. Great omelets or ham & eggs and all the pancakes you can eat. December 20 (Sunday) 2009 Lyle Christmas Bird Count. Volunteers are needed to count birds and record species around Lyle for the 13th annual Christmas count that is one of 2500 Christmas counts happening nation-wide. Interested people should contact Bob Hansen at 509 637-2736 or bobhansen@gorge.net. If you have a bird feeder, you can also participate by observing the feeder .