Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Summer Celebration!
OLESS (Old Lyle Elementary School Supporters)
Monday, July 20, 2009
Upcoming Classes in Wishram
Save money and learn the latest food safety guidelines for healthy and safe ways to preserve food at home. Each participant will receive printed instructional materials.
During these classes you will learn:
Equipment needed, where to get it and the cost
Basic instruction on safe procedures
Resource list of helpful websites and supplies
Hands on Learning
WSU Extension publications
Classes Start: Tuesday - July 27th
Three additional classes will be held. The dates will be determined by the class participant.
Held at: Wishram Community (Location TBA)
Time: 2:00PM – 6:00PM
Cost: Free to Horizon Community Members
Pre-registration To register call 509-773-6067 or email
First class-Canning fruits, tomatoes and salsas
Learn the reason for water bath canning and how to determine if you product is safe. Learn how to safely preserve salsas and tomato products.
Additional Classes
Jams, Jellies and Pie Fillings
Pickling Fruits and Vegetables-Freezing and Drying
Pressure canning vegetables and meats
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Weed Watcher Program
Elsie L. David
WSU-Klickitat County Extension
228 West Main, MS-CH-12
Goldendale, WA 98620
Email: or
Web site:
Phone: 509-773-5817 FAX: 509-773-5707
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Volunteer(s) needed

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Lyle's Horizons Steering Team Meeting Minutes July 9, 2009
Attendees: Linda Williams, Bob Hansen, Lori Hull, Sherri Starkin, Vern Harpole, Barbara Sexton, Marcia Buser (notetaker). Not present: Mindy Robison, Mildred Lykens, Julie Larson
Purpose: 1st meeting for Horizons Phase III: Community Visioning. During this phase, the Steering Team will involve the community in developing a Strategic Poverty Action Plan. This will involve surveying community members and sharing the results at a Horizons Community Celebration.
1. Discussion & Decisions:a. Visioning Process:
Must involve at least 15% of the community. We will do a door-to- door survey, and include not only town, but Old Hwy 8, Canyon Road, Centerville Hwy, Hwy 142 to a designated mileage from Lyle.
Survey should include about 5 questions that are relevant to our Horizons projects.
We will need volunteers to survey assigned areas & handout flyers for Horizons Community Celebration (item 1.c.). Survey plan to be developed at next meeting July 14th – see at end of minutes. May include doing a prize drawing raffle for those completing the survey.
Include other active Horizons participants to help out with survey. They are also welcome to attend Steering Team meetings as non-voting members.
b. Strategic Poverty Action Plan:
Must be submitted by September 1st. Since we are already doing so many of the items, and more, that came out of our Study Circles and Community Forum, we just need to capture them in a plan that includes:
§ Action plan description (What’s the project & why its important)
§ How will this address poverty?
§ Who is involved & their contact information
§ Action steps, including who is responsible and due dates
§ Indicators of success
The Steering Team will write this plan together via email – see related action items below.
c. Horizons Community Celebration:
Planned for Friday, August 14 at 5:30 PM – see related action items below & agenda for next Steering Team Meeting July 14 at end of minutes.
2. Action Items from this Meeting:
a. Visioning Process:
ü Linda – send examples of other communities’ surveys
ü All Steering Team members – submit ideas for survey to Marcia
ü Marcia – draft survey based on ideas submitted
ü Marcia – check on availability of a good county map to use for survey assignments
b. Strategic Poverty Action Plan:
ü Linda – Provide update on budget for Phase III activities (estimated $1500)
ü Linda – investigate setting up workshops for us on grant writing & fundraising, and other possible workshops.
ü Marcia – draft template for plan
ü All Steering Team – help finalize after survey results are compiled.
c. Horizons Community Celebration:
ü Vern – approach Tap Room, Lyle Hotel, Country Café about catering August 14 Celebration
ü Lori – draft flyer for celebration
ü Barbara – check with nephew for live music
d. Other Action Items:
ü Bob - contact Gorge Net for possible wi-fi hot spot at school & report at OLESS meeting on July 13.
ü Lori – make flyers & post for OLESS meeting on Monday July 13.
ü Vern – approach Lion’s Club to see if he can give updates on Horizons activities and create a better partnership with them
ü Linda – send out information on upcoming food preservation class (?July 27?)
ü Marcia – will serve as point of contact for Steering Team
Next Steering Team Meeting: Tuesday, July 14 - 6:00 PM at Old Elementary School (Potluck dinner meeting) Agenda: § Update on OLESS meeting (Vern) § Celebration Planning (all) § Survey Plan – final draft & implementation plan (all) § Lion’s Club update (Vern) |