Spring seems stubburn this year. I swear that I remember Lyle's daffodils blooming every year for my birthday on March 2nd. But, alas they are up and ready to go, but don't seem to have any intention of opening in this wet, chilly weather. But I do have lovely crocuses blooming, and the robins are here and the helibore is looking spring like. What is springing in your yard?
Pictured here is Lyle in early spring (aka late winter) viewed from Tom McCall bluff on Oregon side of the river. Looks pretty chilly! Picture taken 2/16/09.
Aren't the Robins jolly?
Snowdrops are here also a few violets.
Thanks Lisa for the lovely photo.
I remember growing up in Lyle and knowing it was spring when the windflowers bloomed in the pastures. And the violets in my grandmother's yard - she thought they were weeds; I thought they were wonderful.
Jenny Gould Mertes
I have rhubarb, some volunteer cilantro and I found some teeny tiny asparagus spears poking there way up!
Hurrah,time to prune the fruit trees!
Sunny yellow balsam is starting to show on the south facing slopes nearby and the early leaves are starting to show in my yard. Last year I got the first flowers after starting with seedlings in 2002.
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