Thursday, January 1, 2009


If you could make one thing happen in Lyle for the upcoming year,
what would it be?
Share your New Year's wishes here!

Would it be a new business? 
Or an infrastructure improvement? 
Maybe an art, cultural, or recreational event?
How about a community transportation, education, or health care service?

Let's share some dreams. What would you like to see happen in Lyle in 2009?


Anonymous said...

We drove thru Lyle New Year's Eve. It was so pretty with families Christmas lights. I thought what a pretty little town. Little touches of pride go so far. I would like to see town just a little cleaner. Maybe if we have community projects it would be less overwhelming or if elderly people that we could help each other clean up! Sherri

Anonymous said...

I think sidewalks would be a great start for making it look nicer and safer for all the kids who walk from school and around town. I also think improving the look of some of the business' around town would help too. Everything seems so run down and tired.
Trying to get a grip on the poverty and drug flow is going to be hard without the help of the local law enforcement, but if we were able...imagine what our town could be!

Anonymous said...

The new year will be bringing more work on the "Lyle Comprehensive Plan". It's important for the whole community. Don't you think the whole community should be involved in the discussion of the "Plan"?

A-Z said...

I would love to be involved in the comprehensive plan. As a citizen in town I feel that any of these group meetings need to be open to opinion from everyone in town. Also, we need to try and get the business owners excited about this whole project too!

Unknown said...

I was excited to find out about this blog and a place to voice concerns, wishes, and hopes for Lyle. When is the next meeting? I want to attend. Sandie

Lorie said...

We will be sure and post all committee meetings and Leadership Plenty dates and times as soon as they are determined. Glad to hear you are looking forward to joining the community action!

Anonymous said...

As I drive around, what catches my are the run down trailers! Get rid of the trailers and the town would greatly improve1

Anonymous said...

I too believe that Lyle has so much potental but with the trashy trailers sitting up on the hillside as you drive into town and the business areas and buildings right on highway 14 so run down lets get together and clean up this town, I hope that whoever the ownerss are of those trailers will do something about removing them or something needs to be done about them.
We live in such a beautfiul part of the country let's show some pride in it!!