Friday, August 27, 2010

Fire in Lyle

Firefighters are working to control the fire that has burned over 1,6oo acres west of the Klickitat River from milepost 1 to 10.

Please post information on the current status of the fire in your area.

We send our love and prayers out to those whose safety we are worried about.

1 comment:

Glenda said...

There is a Community Mtg to provide updates and answer questions re: the fire Sunday at 7 pm at Lyle High School. If you want info re: the fire, call 509.493.3698--this number is staffed from 6 am to 10 pm. Thus far, the fire is still on the west side of the Klickitat River. Hwy 142 is closed up to Milepost 10, but the fire is up to the river only up to about Milepost 4.